Results for 'Globale Distributive Gerechtigkeit'

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  1. Urs Marti globale distributive gerechtigkeit was heißt verteilung?Globale Distributive Gerechtigkeit - 2005 - Studia Philosophica 64:103.
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    Globale distributive Gerechtigkeit.Urs Marti & Georg Kohler - 2003 - In Georg Kohler & Urs Marti (eds.), Konturen der Neuen Weltordnung: Beiträge Zu Einer Theorie der Normativen Prinzipien Internationaler Politik. De Gruyter.
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    Globale distributive Gerechtigkeit.Urs Marti - 2003 - In Georg Kohler & Urs Marti (eds.), Konturen der Neuen Weltordnung: Beiträge Zu Einer Theorie der Normativen Prinzipien Internationaler Politik. De Gruyter. pp. 345-361.
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  4. Cecile Fabre.Global Distributive Justice & An Egalitarian Perspective - 2007 - In Daniel M. Weinstock (ed.), Global justice, global institutions. Calgary, Alta.: University of Calgary Press. pp. 139.
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  5. Global Distributive Justice: An Introduction.Chris Armstrong - 2012 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Global distributive justice is now part of mainstream political debate. It incorporates issues that are now a familiar feature of the political landscape, such as global poverty, trade justice, aid to the developing world and debt cancellation. This is the first textbook to focus exclusively on issues of distributive justice on the global scale. It gives clear and up-to-date accounts of the major theories of global justice and spells out their significance for a series of important political issues, (...)
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    Global Distributive Justice.Wilfried Hinsch - 2001 - Metaphilosophy 32 (1-2):58-78.
    The paper discusses the problem of global distributive justice. It proposes to distinguish between principles for the domestic and for the global or intersocietal distribution of wealth. It is argued that there may be a plurality of partly diverging domestic conceptions of distributive justice, not all of which need to be liberal egalitarian conceptions. It is maintained, however, that principles regulating the intersocietal distribution of wealth have to be egalitarian principles. This claim is defended against Rawls's argument in (...)
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  7. Global Distributive Justice: An Egalitarian Perspective.Cécile Fabre - 2005 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 35 (sup1):139-164.
    A good deal of political theory over the last fifteen years or so has been shaped by the realization that one cannot, and ought not, consider the distribution of resources within a country in isolation from the distribution of resources between countries. Thus, thinkers such as Charles Beitz and Thomas Pogge advocate extensive global distributive policies; others, such as Charles Jones and David Miller, explicitly reject the view that egalitarian principles of justice should apply globally and claim that national (...)
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  8. Distributive Gerechtigkeit und demokratischer Staat. Fichtes Rechtslehre von 1796 zwischen vorkantischem und kantischem Naturrecht.Ulrich Thiele - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (4):779-780.
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    §16 Distributive Gerechtigkeit zwischen Völkern.John Rawls - 2002 - In Das Recht der Völker: Enthält: "Nochmals: Die Idee der Öffentlichen Vernunft". De Gruyter. pp. 141-150.
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    Distributive Gerechtigkeit und Gesundheit: eine medizinsoziologische Perspektive. [REVIEW]Johannes Siegrist - 2001 - Ethik in der Medizin 13 (1-2):33-44.
    Definition of the problem: While the main focus of the discussion on medical ethics concerns the physician’s conflicts as a result of rationing medical care, this paper postulates that resource allocation with indirect impact on the level of morbidity and mortality of a population also provides an important topic in medical ethics. In particular, increasing social inequalities in health are observed in many of the economically most advanced societies. Arguments: The social gradient of mortality in midlife is widening despite increasing (...)
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    Global distributive justice.Christoph Hanisch - unknown
    This dissertation is concerned with the moral-philosophical dimensions of global poverty and inequality. The first chapter argues in favour of justice-based – contrasted with beneficence-based – obligations asking the wealthy to actively do something about severe poverty abroad. The distinguishing property of justice-based obligations is that they derive their high level of moral stringency from the fact that they ask the obligation-bearer to rectify for past and/or present violations of negative obligations, such as the obligation not to harm anybody. Partly (...)
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    Disaggregated pluralistic theories of global distributive justice – a critique.Julian Culp - 2017 - Journal of Global Ethics 13 (2):168-186.
    Pluralistic theories of global distributive justice aim at justifying a plurality of principles for various subglobal contexts of distributive justice. Helena de Bres has recently proposed the class of disaggregated pluralistic theories, according to which we should refrain from defending principles that apply to the shared background conditions of such subglobal contexts. This article argues that if one does not justify how these background conditions should be regulated by principles of a just global basic structure, then the realization (...)
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    Global distributive justice and the corporate duty to aid.Kevin T. Jackson - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (7):547 - 551.
    This article challenges an argument from Tom Donaldson''s recent bookThe Ethics of International Business with a claim that distributive justice, deemed in many circles to impose a duty of mutual aid on individuals and nations, establishes a basis for holding multinational corporations to such a duty as well. The root idea I advocate is that Rawls'' theory of justice can be deployed — beyond its original intent yet in line with its spirit — to underwrite aprima facie obligation of (...)
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    The global distribution of health care resources.R. Attfield - 1990 - Journal of Medical Ethics 16 (3):153-156.
    The international disparities in health and health-care provision comprise the gravest problem of medical ethics. The implications are explored of three theories of justice: an expanded version of Rawlsian contractarianism, Nozick's historical account, and a consequentialism which prioritizes the satisfaction of basic needs. The second too little satisfies medical needs to be cogent. The third is found to incorporate the strengths of the others, and to uphold fair rules and practices. Like the first, it also involves obligations transcending those to (...)
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  15. Die distributive Gerechtigkeit bei Platon und Aristoteles.Manuel Dr Knoll - 2010 - Zeitschrift Für Politik (1):3–30.
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    Global Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccine: Mine First.Joaquín Hortal-Carmona & Gonzalo Díaz-Cobacho - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (5):106.
    The COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic dealt a severe blow to society as a whole and required countries to confront a situation that exceeded the limits of their borders. In this paper, we analyze how these countries as well as supranational organizations responded to this unprepared global emergency. We also explore what alternative models have been proposed in the wake of this crisis and propose some changes—other ways of acting—so that in future pandemics or global emergencies, we can deal with the situation (...)
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  17. Rawls on global distributive justice: a defence.Joseph Heath - 2005 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 35 (sup1):193-226.
    Critical response to John Rawls's The Law of Peopleshas been surprisingly harsh) Most of the complaints centre on Rawls's claim that there are no obligations of distributive justice among nations. Many of Rawls's critics evidently had been hoping for a global application of the difference principle, so that wealthier nations would be bound to assign lexical priority to the development of the poorest nations, or perhaps the primary goods endowment of the poorest citizens of any nation. Their subsequent disappointment (...)
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    Global Distributive Justice, Entitlement, and Desert.Gillian Brock - 2005 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 31 (sup1):109-138.
    The facts of global poverty are staggering. Consider, for instance, how 1.5 billion people subsist below the international poverty line, which means about a quarter of the world's current population lives in poverty. There is much talk about how freer markets will help the situation of these people, in particular how it will help the worst off. So far the evidence for this claim is fairly unclear. ‘At any rate, on several accounts, alleviating the worst aspects of poverty would impose (...)
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  19. Global Moral Egalitarianism and Global Distributive Egalitarianism.Pablo Gilabert - 2015 - Ethics and International Affairs 29 (3):269-276.
    Michael Blake claims that liberal principles ground egalitarian distribution domestically but not globally. This paper raises some worries about these claims. It challenges the argument for domestic distributive equality based on a concern for autonomy, noting that a broader concern for wellbeing is required. And it suggests that a concern for everyone’s autonomy and wellbeing supports the progressive pursuit of global distributive equality rather than only the pursuit of global sufficiency.
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    Global Distributive Justice and the Taxation of Natural Resources — Who Should Pick Up the Tab?Dirk Haubrich - 2004 - Contemporary Political Theory 3 (1):48-69.
    Increasingly visible global distributive inequalities and famine pose considerable challenges for policy-makers and political philosophers alike. A recent proposal forwarded by Thomas Pogge has taken on the challenge of outlining a concept of global justice according to which redistribution is not merely predicated on the beneficiaries being in a state of need. The scheme, which he calls the Global Resources Dividend, aims to compensate people who are excluded from the benefits of the common stock of natural resources, by taxing (...)
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  21. Global Distributive Justice: Why Political Philosophy Need Political Science.Michael Blake - 2012 - Annual Review of Political Science 15:121-136.
  22. The problem of global distributive justice.Marta Soniewicka & Maja Kittel - 2008 - Diametros 17:45-59.
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    No Justice Without Democracy: A Deliberative Approach to the Global Distribution of Wealth.Stefan Rummens - 2009 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 17 (5):657-680.
    The debate about global distributive justice is characterized by an often stark opposition between universalistic approaches, advocating an egalitarian global redistribution of wealth (Beitz, Pogge, Barry, Tan), and particularistic positions, aiming to justify a restriction of redistribution to the domestic community (D. Miller, R. Miller, Blake, Nagel, Rawls). I argue that an approach starting from the deliberative model of democracy (Habermas) can overcome this opposition. On the one hand, the increasingly global scope of economic interactions implies that the range (...)
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  24. Luck, Institutions, and Global Distributive Justice.Kok-Chor Tan - 2011 - European Journal of Political Theory 10 (3):394-421.
    Luck egalitarianism provides one powerful way of defending global egalitarianism. The basic luck egalitarian idea that persons ought not to be disadvantaged compared to others on account of his or her bad luck seems to extend naturally to the global arena, where random factors such as persons’ place of birth and the natural distribution of the world’s resources do affect differentially their life chances. Yet luck egalitarianism as an ideal, as well as its global application, has come under severe criticisms (...)
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  25. Vaccine ethics: an ethical framework for global distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.Nancy Jecker, Aaron Wightman & Douglas Diekema - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (5):308-317.
    This paper addresses the just distribution of vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 virus and sets forth an ethical framework that prioritises frontline and essential workers, people at high risk of severe disease or death, and people at high risk of infection. Section I makes the case that vaccine distribution should occur at a global level in order to accelerate development and fair, efficient vaccine allocation. Section II puts forth ethical values to guide vaccine distribution including helping people with the greatest need, (...)
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    Famine, Affluence, and Confucianism: Reconstructing a Confucian Perspective on Global Distributive Justice.Baldwin Wong - 2023 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 22 (2):217-235.
    Recently, most of the discussions in Confucian political theory have concentrated on whether Confucianism is compatible with local political practices, such as liberal democracy. The question of how Confucians view global distributive justice has not yet received critical attention. This essay aims to fill this gap. I will first describe a contractualist methodology, which aims at deriving substantial political principles from a formal conception of the person. Then I will discuss what conception of the person Confucianism assumes. Finally, I (...)
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  27. An immigration-pressure model of global distributive justice.Eric Cavallero - 2006 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 5 (1):97-127.
    International borders concentrate opportunities in some societies while limiting them in others. Borders also prevent those in the less favored societies from gaining access to opportunities available in the more favored ones. Both distributive effects of borders are treated here within a comprehensive framework. I argue that each state should have broad discretion under international law to grant or deny entry to immigration seekers; but more favored countries that find themselves under immigration pressure should be legally obligated to fund (...)
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    Place-related attachments and global distributive justice.Margaret Moore - 2013 - Journal of Global Ethics 9 (2):215 - 226.
    This paper is interested in place-related attachments. It discusses the way in which territory or land is treated in theories of global distributive justice, and argues that this fails to capture the normatively significant relationship between peoples and places. This paper argues that any adequate theory of justice in territory has to begin by recognizing that territory is a claimant-relative good, and that this should be an important point of departure for theorizing about land and justice. Not only do (...)
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  29. Poverty and global distributive justice.Kok-Chor Tan - 2010 - In Duncan Bell (ed.), Ethics and World Politics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 256--73.
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    Kant and Global Distributive Justice.Sylvie Loriaux - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    This Element argues that although Kant's political thought does not tackle issues of global poverty and inequality head on, it nonetheless offers important conceptual and normative resources to think of our global socioeconomic duties. It delves into the Kantian duty to enter a rightful condition beyond the state and shows that a proper understanding of this duty not only leads us to acknowledge a duty of right to assist states that are unable to fulfil the core functions of a state, (...)
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    Principles of global distributive justice: moving beyond Rawls and Buchanan.Anton A. van Niekerk - 2004 - South African Journal of Philosophy 23 (2):171-194.
  32. Consciousness provides the nervous system with coherent, globally distributed information.B. J. Baars - 1983 - In Richard J. Davidson, Gary E. Schwartz & D. H. Shapiro (eds.), Consciousness and Self-Regulation. Plenum. pp. 101.
  33. Natural Resources, Territorial Right, and Global Distributive Justice.Margaret Moore - 2012 - Political Theory 40 (1):84-107.
    The current statist order assumes that states have a right to make rules involving the transfer and/or extraction of natural resources within the territory. Cosmopolitan theories of global justice have questioned whether the state is justified in its control over natural resources, typically by pointing out that having resources is a matter of good luck, and this unfairness should be addressed. This paper argues that self-determination does generate a right over resources, which others should not interfere with. It does not (...)
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  34. The Many, Not the Few: Pluralism About Global Distributive Justice.Helena de Bres - 2012 - Journal of Political Philosophy 20 (3):314-340.
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    Rising powers' responsibility for reducing global distributive injustice.Julian Culp - 2014 - Journal of Global Ethics 10 (3):274-282.
    Rising powers like India and Brazil have recently been gaining considerable economic and political power. This has led to the emergence of a nascent multipolarity in global affairs. Theorists of global distributive justice, however, continue to focus almost exclusively on the responsibility of the established powers for combating global poverty and neglect whether there is a similar responsibility of rising powers. That focus neglects that great shifts have occurred in the distribution of the economically severely poor over the past (...)
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  36. Just War and Global Distributive Justice.Laura Valentini - 2016 - In David Held & Pietro Maffettone (eds.), Global Political Theory. Polity. pp. 143-57.
  37. Global Common Resources and the Just Distribution of Emission Shares.Megan Blomfield - 2012 - Journal of Political Philosophy 21 (3):283-304.
    A currently popular proposal for fairly distributing emission quotas is the equal shares view, which holds that that emission quotas should be distributed to all human beings globally on an equal per capita basis. In this paper I aim to show that a number of arguments in favour of equal shares are based on a misleading analysis of climate change as a global commons problem. I argue that a correct understanding of the way in which climate change results from the (...)
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    Do Cosmopolitans Have Reasons to Object to Global Distributive Justice?Idil Boran - 2008 - American Philosophical Quarterly 45 (1):1 - 17.
  39. Global care ethics: beyond distribution, beyond justice.Fiona Robinson - 2013 - Journal of Global Ethics 9 (2):131 - 143.
    This article defends an ethics of care approach to global justice, which begins with an empirically informed account of injustices resulting from the workings and effects of contemporary neo-liberalism and hegemonic masculinities. Dominant distributive approaches to global justice see the unequal distribution of resources or ?primary goods? as the basic source of injustice. Crucially, however, most of these liberal theories do not challenge the basic structural and ideational ?frames? that govern the global political economy. Instead, they seek to ?correct? (...)
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    Biology Teachers’ Worldviews on the Global Distribution and Loss of Biodiversity: A GIS-Based Mental-Mapping Approach.Florian Fiebelkorn & Susanne Menzel - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Sylvie Loriaux, Kant and Global Distributive Justice Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020 Pp. 64 ISBN 9781108729062 (pbk) $20.00. [REVIEW]Milla Vaha - 2021 - Kantian Review 26 (4):671-675.
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    The Protection-Inclusion Dilemma: A Global Distributive Justice Perspective.Eman Ahmed - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (6):120-121.
    In their article, Friesen et al. (2023) discuss two challenging roles the IRBs are playing: protecting research participants from research-related risks and promoting inclusion of diverse populatio...
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    A global biodiversity fund to implement distributive justice for genetic resources.Anna Https://Orcidorg Deplazes-Zemp - 2019 - Developing World Bioethics 19 (4):235-244.
    This article examines the question of who has a right to control and benefit from genetic resources globally. To this end it draws on different accounts in the resource rights literature with a focus on the specific features that distinguish genetic resources from other types of natural resources. It will be argued that due to the intangible and non‐territorial nature of genetic resources, territorial rights over these resources are difficult to maintain. Moreover, the vulnerability of genetic resources implies that much (...)
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    Globale Gerechtigkeit Und Negative Verantwortung.Marco Bunge-Wiechers, Johannes Drerup, Sebastian Laukötter & Daniel Plenge - 2009 - In Otfried Höffe, Andreas Vieth & Sebastian Laukötter (eds.), Otfried Höffe: praktische Philosophie im Diskurs. New Brunswick, NJ: Ontos Verlag. pp. 119-132.
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    Stochastically Globally Exponential Stability of Stochastic Impulsive Differential Systems with Discrete and Infinite Distributed Delays Based on Vector Lyapunov Function.Xiaoyan Liu & Quanxin Zhu - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-16.
    This paper deals with stochastically globally exponential stability for stochastic impulsive differential systems with discrete delays and infinite distributed delays. By using vector Lyapunov function and average dwell-time condition, we investigate the unstable impulsive dynamics and stable impulsive dynamics of the suggested system, and some novel stability criteria are obtained for SIDSs with DDs and IDDs. Moreover, our results allow the discrete delay term to be coupled with the nondelay term, and the infinite distributed delay term to be coupled with (...)
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    5. Gerechtigkeit, globale und lokale.Detlef Horster - 2006 - In Jürgen Habermas Und der Papst: Glauben Und Vernunft, Gerechtigkeit Und Nächstenliebe Im Säkularen Staat. Transcript Verlag. pp. 59-76.
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    The distributive justice of a global basic structure: A category mistake?Andreas Follesdal - 2011 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 10 (1):46-65.
    The present article explores ‘anti-cosmopolitan’ arguments that shared institutions above the state, such as there are, are not of a kind that support or give rise to distributive claims beyond securing minimum needs. The upshot is to rebut certain of these ‘anti-cosmopolitan’ arguments. Section 1 asks under which conditions institutions are subject to distributive justice norms. That is, which sound reasons support claims to a relative share of the benefits of institutions that exist and apply to individuals? Such (...)
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  48. Globale Gerechtigkeit hat Vorrang vor nationaler Selbstbestimmung. Ein Kommentar zur David Miller.Geert Demuijnck - 2001 - In Ballestrem K. (ed.), Internationale Gerechtigkeit, Leske und Budrich. Opladen.
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    Klimawandel, globale Gerechtigkeit und die Ethik globaler öffentlicher Güter: einige grundlegende begriffliche Fragen.Christian Seidel - 2012 - In Matthias Maring (ed.), Globale öFfentliche Gã¼ter in Interdisziplinã¤Ren Perspektiven. Kit Scientific Publishing. pp. 179-195.
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    Globale Gerechtigkeit.Gottfried Schweiger - 2019 - In Johannes Drerup & Gottfried Schweiger (eds.), Handbuch Philosophie der Kindheit. Berlin: J.B. Metzler. pp. 355-361.
    Das Ziel einer gerechten oder zumindest gerechteren Welt scheint angesichts der täglichen Nachrichten über Armut, Ausbeutung, Unterdrückung, Gewalt, Krieg und Flucht ein fernes Ideal. Das Wissen darum, dass es so, wie es ist, nicht gerecht ist, ist aber erst ein vager Hinweis darauf, wie eine gerechte Welt aussehen würde. Dafür gibt es vielmehr eine ganze Reihe an Vorschlägen. Innerhalb der philosophischen Literatur hat die Debatte darüber, was globale Gerechtigkeit ausmacht und wie sie zu erreichen wäre, in den letzten (...)
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